No silly…I am done growing myself…but look what I grew this week! Lousy picture I know…but these things are truly amazing!
I do love sprouts. I never buy them but I enjoy them when they come on sandwiches…and I have been looking into growing my own. I just hadn’t gotten around to it.
I had talked about it with a girlfriend and Monday night she surprised me with some seeds, a jar, and two lids of hers to try!
So I put a TBS of seeds in the wide-mouth mason jar she brought me, put a bunch of water in them, put the finer-meshed lid on top, and soaked the seeds overnight.
Tuesday morning I drained the water and set the jar in a sunny spot.
Tuesday night when I went to rinse my seeds (I am supposed to do this twice a day) this is what I found…
Can you see that? (sorry…I only have a little point and shoot)…they were already sprouting! I was really excited…and I couldn’t believe how excited I was over sprouting seeds.
By Wednesday morning they were shoots already! HOLY COW! I was so excited that I noticed that my empty Maranatha jar was the perfect size to set up another sprout garden!
I swapped lids, putting the lid with the larger holes on the already sprouted jar, and the finer meshed lid on the Maranatha jar and got some more sprouts going! The lid won’t screw onto the Maranatha jar…only set on top so I have to hold it down when draining…but it still works!
These were my two little gardens Wednesday night!
Tonight (Friday night already) my first batch is just about ready to harvest! I have a Girl Scout all day trip tomorrow and am packing my own dinner rather than suffer through the McDonalds I know they are going to be stopping for…so I will make a sandwich using my first crop of sprouts!
Pretty exciting wouldn’t you say?????
Sprouts are serious Superfoods! They are powerful cancer fighters, extremely high in antioxidants and immune boosters, as well as being high in fiber, and vitamins C, E, and E. They help the body absorb glucose, are high in protein, and even help slow down the aging process!
All that and more in something that is so cheap and so simple to grow! And incredibly fast too! I went from seed on Monday to plate on Saturday!
I am addicted! I am ready to try all sorts of seeds now and need a few more jars and lids to get a good supply growing at all times.
I also thought I would share this beautiful RED pear I got in my organic produce box this week. We only got two of them and there are five of us…so we all shared!
I had my half
smothered drizzled in a TBS of almond butter!
Tomorrow I am off with the Girl Scouts to the Kennedy Space Center for Girl Scout day! They have a great program prepared for us…but we have a five-hour bus ride each way and I have to be at the bus by (UGH) 4:45!!! A.M.!!!
I am looking forward to the sites of course…but also walking around all day…and I have packed a cooker with frozen water and coconut water to drink…and packed plenty of healthy snacks…fruit, carrots, mini-peppers, Laughing Cow Cheese (FabPreTeen), Larabars (for me), Cliff bars (for FabPreteen), Stacy’s pita chips, as well as PB&J sandwiches for the FabPreteen for her dinner and an avocado wrap (with my fabulous homegrown sprouts) and organic salad for my dinner! I am well prepared I think!
It is now 10:30 and I am off to bed for my 3:30 a.m. wakeup call!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend my bloggy friends!
Yum! I love it!
And my mom had those plates. They are awesome.
Wow! I had no idea they would sprout so fast! Very cool!!
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