Sunday, June 13, 2010

Like A Little Kid!!!

Ooooh I am soooo excited!  Today I get to run around for a totally limited (read..we are in a hurry and FabHubs will be the timekeeper…GULP) period of time in TRADER JOE’S! 

Okay…to many of you No Big Deal.   But to a South Florida girl who has no TJ’s within two days’ driving distance, I am like a kid on her way to Disney World!

Silly isn’t it!

Any Must Gets?


Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

How fun! I was just reading my self magazine and they have a list of the "best" foods, and almost all of them are TJ brand!

Ellura said...

Hey, where have you been? I haven't seen you on here for awhile...

Jewel@fit-and-fabulous-jewel said...

Thanks for missing me! I was off in Virginia for a week living like a mountain man...then volunteering at Cub Scout Day Camp for a frantically trying to catch up on work!

I have three or four posts floating around my head about all of my adventures the past couple of weeks, eating and otherwise, but I have not found the time or energy to get them out of my head and onto the computer!!!

Hopefully in the next day or two....