Sunday, July 4, 2010

Not Bad…I Can Live With This….

The phrase that was music to my ears tonight after I fed FabHubs this:DSCF4257THIS being a totally vegan, organic meal consisting of kale sauteed in EVOO with some garlic and sliced onions; baked sweet potato fries AND a portobello mushroom “burger” (portobello mushroom marinated in EVOO and balsamic, cooked on the Foreman grill).  Ole’ George was thrilled to be pulled out and put into use again!

The ‘shroom burger was topped with homemade guac (avocado, cilantro, onion, tomato, and lemon since I was out of lime juice) and a thick slice each of tomato and onion.  I  served it on one of FabHubs  homemade vegan English muffins!  (yes..he figured out how to make them vegan  and still quite delicious!

Truly I sure wasn’t expecting that…yes, I was expecting The Look!

Leftover guac…I found out that putting the pit in when you store it is not an old wives’ tale…IT REALLY WORKS!!!


FabHubs had two burgers, I had one…and I piled on the kale  and sweet potato fries for both of us.  He wasn’t thrilled with the kale but said (another happy dance from me!) “I will probably get used to it.”

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!

This  follows up a pretty amazing weekend of fruits and veggies for us. 

FabHubs and I were all alone this holiday weekend…he worked on Friday but  was off Saturday and most  of the day today (all Fabkids are off with their other parents’ for the weekend).  So I  warned him that it was up to he and I to make sure the tons of organic produce from Monday’s box didn’t go bad and we would be spending the weekend pounding the produce!

Saturday FabHubs and I slept in until nearly noon….and then woke up to this yumminess as I strived to use up the berries in the fridge:



After breakfast I plopped him on the couch and popped the DVD Eating in so we could watch it together.  I have already seen it, but I wanted him to see it!

I expected a lot of skepticism from him….but he actually enjoyed it and learned from it, enough to even email his parents info about it!

After the DVD I made us both  Green Monsters to try and stave off the hunger monsters…but soon we were both FAMISHED!

I knew I had to make something really satisfying for him if I am going to keep him close to this healthy pathway…so I whipped out all the salad type veggies I could manage to find in the fridge and made this:




Both had organic romaine, carrots, daikon, tomatoes, cukes, and scallions.  I made these salads HUGE!  (FabHubs commented that we weren’t eating from bowls, they were troughs, and indeed I served these in huge tupperware-like containers!)  To add a filling factor, I opened a can of kidney beans and put at least a cup on his…only about one-third cup on mine!  I was determined that there was no way he was going to walk away from this salad complaining he was still hungry!

I topped both with nutritional yeast…and gave him hummus on the side.  We used my lemon/garlic dressing on top. I also added some cilantro dressing and crumbled some Mary’s Gone Crackers on top of mine.

It really did the trick and he was satisfied for hours!  We ended up actually just snacking through the night, never being hungry enough to eat the grilled mushrooms, which were originally planned for dinner last night!


After dinner we watched Morgan Spurlock’s SuperSize Me, which further added fuel to our Eat Healthy fires!

I am so glad to see FabHubs alongside me on this!

Today we continued on the fruit theme, eating unpictured mango, crenshaw melon, and other fruits all from the box, all day until dinner time when we had the kale/potatoe/portobello dinner.

Now I am sad because FabHubs has to go off and work at a fireworks shoot and I can’t be with him! 

I will be off in the audience with some friends though, watching.




Suzanne said...

Hurray for clean eating! I enjoyed your blog. For more ideas on fruit, specifically berries, see this post:

Kate said...

OK, that first meal pictured with the fries looks soooo delicious to me! I cannot wait until I can eat solid food again! At least 3 1/2 more weeks... sigh...

What is your email address? Mine is on my profile. I'd love to hear about your holistic healing ideas.

Jenny said...

I'm so happy you said something about the pit! My guac only lasts like 2 hours it seems, so I'll have to try! :) Do you have a twitter or facebook?