Monday, November 30, 2009

Back To Nature Florida Style, Part III

The alarm went off bright and early at 5 a.m.   I was FREEZING and worried about sleeping on the river tonight.  FabHubs bounded out of bed…he is a morning person.  I UGHed a while longer before prying myself out from between the sheets.  I am NOT a morning person!

So being the NOT morning person that I am, and being in the rush that we were…no pictures were taken until we actually got onto the river!

After loading the coolers and the car and hustling kids, one of whom came down crying because it was so cold (more second guessing myself here!) I was ready to make breakfast.  Now, remember how we don’t have A/C?  Well we don’t have heat either!  and it was in the low 40s here.   We were chilly!  I made kids some hot chocolate, espresso for FabHubs and me, and then omelets, with real eggs and cheese for me too!

I sneakily skipped the meat for everybody, but to bulk up mine I added a generous helping of those decadent balsamic mushrooms I had made a few hours the night before.  Nobody else wanted them!  Their loss….

I had only fruit for snacks and lunch was going to be light, so I made sure they had a breakfast that would last a while. 

Finally, after some nervous moments about whether we would make the 9:30 a.m. bus loading, we got there about 5 or so minutes late.   The equipment was loaded while I took kids to the bathroom…and then we were hustled to the bus.  We had to divide our stuff into what was going to be going in the canoes with us and on the bus…and what would be delivered to the site.  It was pretty cool…they provided us with our very own trailer to put all the stuff to be delivered…the trailer would just  be waiting for us at our site when we got there, and remain there until we left the next day.  We just needed to load it up and call when we were leaving, and they would pick it up from our site and deliver it back to our car!  We are usually DIY people so this was a fun convenience for us.

The bus ride to the drop off point was about 25 or so minutes away through cattle and orange country.   After unloading everything, FabTeen and FabHubs loaded up the canoes…and finally we were off!

Peace River CampingPeace River camping Peace River Camping

Peace River Camping

We finally made it in the water just before 11 a.m.  The weather was perfect.  Cool and clear.  There were a few clouds but no rain in site.  I did keep my jacket and a light sweater on and I wasn’t too hot. 

We paddled until about 1 p.m. before pulling over onto a nice clearing to make lunch.   We had a cooler in the canoe with our food, and a small Dutch Oven so I could cook the veggie burgers.  Our utensils had gone on with the trailer so there were a few things I had to makeshift or do without. 

Hubby set up the cooking stuff…he is the fire guy!  That little metal thingie is a windscreen so the flame on the little one-burner propane stove won’t go out.

Peace River Lunch Lunch on the Peace River

Lunch on the Peace River

Our wraps consisted of these Asian veggie burgers:

veggie burger wraps

The salad:

veggie burger wraps

Caesar for FabHubs….my newfound fave dressing for everybody else.  This Thai Peanut dressing rocks!  I am scared to see how many points it is…there no NI on the label.

veggie burger wrap condiments

Flour tortillas…not my favorite (which would be the Ezekiel live sprouted grain wraps) but what we had in the freezer.  

veggie burger wraps

These veggie burgers have to be cooked!  I was surprised but did it.  I think it is because they have eggs in them. 

cooking veggie burgers outdoors

cooking veggie burgers camping

FabTeen tended the burgers while I set up the wraps, using foil for plates and the cooler as a table.  The small Dutch Oven would only fit two at a time.  We only made four altogether as FabPreteen (Ms. Fussy Eater) would not eat these and had a PB&J instead!  I knew this in advance…and made the sammy for her before we left though.  While everything was cooking and being assembled, everybody devoured the pack of grapes I had brought….we were hungry!

veggie burger wraps camping veggie burger wraps camping Hard to see, but this is the makeshift “knife” I used to make FabPreteen a second PB&J sammy.  A stick covered in foil…clumsy but it worked.

peanut butter and jelly campingThen we plowed through the pack of apples I had brought.  FabHubs made us some espresso after lunch, but we also drank water with our lunch. 

We were still a little hungry and I felt bad for FabHubs and the kids… but that was going to have to be it until dinnertime….we had not brought enough snacks.

After packing up, loading up, and cleaning the site (Leave No Trace!) we got in the canoes and moved on…..about 2-3 more hours of canoeing until we reach our site for the night.

peace river camping peace river canoeing trip peace river canoeing camping

Next installment…we arrive at our campsite, set up, and make dinner…